Thursday, September 6, 2012, 4:20 PM { 0 }
Hello! It has been forever since I touched my nail polishes! I'm so glad that none of them actually dried up and dies on me! 2 days right after I'm officially became jobless! I dug them out and used them! I know right, like forever! Heehee.

Anyway, I would like to say that I bought all of them from G Market and I've posted them before in my blog. Hahaha, under G Market - if I'm not wrong. LOL!

Introduction of the polishes that I used to my current nails:

 Pastel colours.



 And here's the overall photo of the polishes!
Well, I swear that I've got no idea what designs and colours to match with what! It just came into me! (;

 The mix and match of different polishes with each other. The designs/colours for my current nails.

And, here's the outcome!



So in love with the polka! I'm so going to paint polka for all the fingers next time! (; Heehee, it's gonna be so pretty! I bet! (;

Anyway, I'm enrolling for Uni soon. Most probably on Saturday! Will update everyone with it! Oh oh oh! Also, I'm heading back to TTSH for the first time! So excited to see the new Registrars and also my MOs. (;



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