Tuesday, September 18, 2012, 9:21 AM { 0 }
Aite humans, I doubt that I'll be that free to update my blog. Well, basically it's because that I'm currently still dealing with my Uni stuffs. Seriously speaking, I've got no idea how to deal with stuffs like his but I am glad that Edwin is here to help me even though he's like *must complain!* at all times!

Also, I've been trying to sort out Bingo's stuffs! What I meant was to book appointment for his grooming and also his food stuffs. And of course, I am so glad that I've got awesome seller (Pets02) who is super friendly and nice to me. Maybe it's because that I purchased from her, twice. Which also means that I'm gonna have holes in my pocket - again. Sigh! I'm jobless already and I've got to deal with stuffs like this. Gonna ask mom or whoever to pay for it. HAHAHAHA!

And nowadays I'm on EBAY, yeah gonna buy things again. Hee, will update you guys on the stuffs I'm gonna buy! (;

Stay tune~

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