Friday, December 14, 2012, 10:42 PM { 0 }
Hello to all! (; I am back again! And this time round I am going to blog about the products that I've received from one of my best friends from overseas. She purchased all of these MLP's products for me. Oh by the way, she's from London. LOL. Hence, I've got no idea if these are affordable or what.

Well, after all. Europe's currency are 2 times higher than Singapore's. For example, Singapore 2$ equals to their 1$. I know right!! M gotten these as Christmas and my 21th birthday! Hee!

So anyways, there you go!

It came like this:


Oh that's Bingo being a kpo little boy - as usual.

Overview of the products M gotten for me! ^^

Nightmare moon and 6 other ponies~

Crystal Empire Set consists of 3 princesses


SO NOW, I'VE GOT LIKE 4 GLIMMER WINGS NOW. Happy girl for sure!!

Well, sad to say but I would definitely love to get Diamond Rose and Ploomete Glimmer Wings. Trust me, they are super pretty! Like really pretty!

As for those 2 Glimmer Wings I will try to get them for myself. So yep! Ebay is my best friend! Heehee! Will definitely share my joy IF I happened to get them all right!

OH OH OH, I've got one more things to share with you guys on what J got for me for Christmas! Heehee, stay tune! I know! It's kind of bored to read stuffs like this. But yeah~


Oh, here's the photos that I taken from online from the Nightmare Moon set ponies:

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