Sunday, December 9, 2012, 2:55 PM { 0 }

All right, pardon me for not coming back to blog real often. Basically, I've been rather busy with my life! As you all know that I've got puppies to take care of! And I’m trying my best to clear my bridging. Hahahah, have been really busy doing projects and preparing for exams!

I think that for some reason, finally I’'ve got the feeling that I am a degree student – like finally! Hahahaha!! I've got Accounting to clear then I am all ready for Degree modules!!! Though I've heard rumours that Murdoch University set really killer exams! O.O!!! Am trying not to panic here but yeah… What to do!? I can’t take my ass out of this shit that I dug. Don’t ask me why, I don’t know how to start. But yeah~

Anyway, nowadays I've received parcels from overseas! And I swear that I was all excited to open them up but due to revision, I stopped myself to open those parcels and get high within myself. LOL!!! Motivation for myself to clear revision then I can open them up! I know right, amazing power I've got here. (;

PS: The parcels I've received are all… My Little Pony. HAHAHAHA. And so so so sorry that I don't have any pictures up here because.... they're in my phone. LOL. And I am tooooooooo lazy to transfer them to my laptop. Heh

I'll be back with photos! I promise! (;

Can't wait to meet up with my ex-colleagues BFF and my bosses <3>

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