Wednesday, September 26, 2012, 3:50 PM { 0 }
Nowadays skull and eye accessories are the in thing now isn't it! I'm not sure if I did or did not blog about the eye accessories that I gotten from Ebay! Oh oh oh! By the way, they're flying over to Singapore now! To meeeeeeeeee! (; Excited x10000000. 

There are 3 designs for it but I only chose one because I knew that my mom would easily murder me. 

Which one did I get? Blue/white skull! The last one because I love love love blue colour! Heehee! And it cost around 8 bucks? Which I think that it's a good deal because I tried to look for it via G Market and Ebay but noooooooo none of them were actually as cheap as this online shop.

So I've gotten them from this online shop InvincibleCharade. Do check it out now because there's a spree going on right now! So click click! ^^


PS: Sorry for the extreme bored post because I'm really busy with other things in my life. So yep! (; I'll try to keep it alive! I promise!



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