Wednesday, December 7, 2011, 3:40 PM { 0 }
Heehee, it's cherry! Yeah, for some of you it's normal but for me. It's special. Well, basically it's because that I've being working almost everyday. And it's hard for me to get some fruits to boost my vitamin C. Hence when I'm having my off days. I'll feed myself with food that will boost my nutrients.

Most of the times, I'll feed myself with Vitamin C stuffs. Be it fruits or drinks. Nothing can stop me from eating them unless I'm sleeping. LOL.

Oh and yes, I'm trying very hard to boost my sleep when I'm having my off days. But it failed at all times. Because the weather are weird whereby it rained and stopped then all over again for at least 3 times. -.-

Guessed what, while I was typing this post. I accidentally swallowed a seed. Oh my gosh, and now I'm feeling a little weird now. O.o

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