Tuesday, November 22, 2011, 8:32 AM { 0 }

Yep, very much love to those 2 little girls. I'm upset bout the fact that they only stayed for at most 10 days! ): What's more, on their last day. One of them happened to be sick hence she didn't come for work. ):


But it's okay, another girl said that she would definitely come over to visit all of us. (: Heehee. Can't wait to see them again. Oh, FYI one of them were my toilet buddy. LOL!

Anyway, here's something that I wanted to tell them:
Hey girls, I don't know if you're going to read it or not. Whatever still, I'll still post them here in case you guys wanted to look at it. LOL. I'm very much glad to know you girls even though, I just knew you two for like 9 days (I think cause I've got my off days.) Both of you better study hard for your O level which will happened next year.

Do keep in contact with me aite, be it fb twitter or phone. I'm just an internet or a phone call away. Hope to see you girls again! (: <3



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