Saturday, November 12, 2011, 8:15 AM { 0 }
Last Sunday, it WAS my off day and my parents, bro and I went out. As usual, some random place to have a look at sea/ocean/lake/river. LOL! And of course, I did went over to take a look and play with my babyboy Ping Ping.

Here's the view while dad's driving and yeah I'm the in car. LOL

Then we reached that place. We got off the car. And decided to jump into the sea/ocean/lake/river. LOL, just kidding. The reason why I said that was because I managed to take a photo of my dad looking like he's committing suicide. LOL!

Took some photos, take a look for yourself aite. And the crabs that we caught will be shown in order. (:

The next few posts will be scheduled. (:

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