Saturday, November 19, 2011, 12:56 PM { 0 }

Nope, these are not my dogs. Ping Ping has yet to be fully grown. But I'm happy that there's news saying that Stray Dogs can lived in HDB!

After so long, government finally let them lived in HDB! Yes, I have been telling my dad to register Ping Ping or just bring Ping Ping home. I swear that I'll be happy forever if Ping Ping is living together with me!

This is because that whenever Ping Ping saw me, he'll ran towards me. Jumping up and down, trying to kiss me. Lying on my leg area. Asked me to rub his belly. He's such a sweetheart.

But here's one question, will dad bring Ping home? I don't want Ping to risk his life over at the area where Pong and Miki died. ):

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