Friday, June 29, 2012, 7:47 AM { 0 }
Okay, I've got a feeling that this blog post would be hell of long. LOL, because technically this blog shop holds spree of accessories, apparel and foot wear. And of course, I clicked all of their links for the preorder. =.=  And I selected some of the stuffs that I might purchase, if only I'm rich enough. (; Hahahahaha! Yep, you heard me. (;

So anyway, let's go shall we? (:

I'll be talking about foot wear first. And if you guys do know, I prefer stuffs that has abstract prints on it or plain colours right? Hahaha, it applies to everything that I might buy! Heh. Of course, let's start:


Aren't they just pretty? I mean, look at the colours! Yellow, pink and blue! Bright colours and it's like colour block matches! It's heels people! (: Heehee. Would love to have one in my closet! Heh. Add on to my shoes collection! It would be great! By the way, I don't really have heels. ):


Did I or did I not mention about prints? (; This is what I mean! But however, I would prefer the front part of the wedges would be more covered up! Heh. Yep yep, colour block works on me again. =.=


Weee! Laces like pattern on wedges! Pretty much? It will make me looked more elegant when I'm wearing them! Plus, it comes in cream and beige/pink colour! (: I think it's true that colours like these and designs like these will allowed a woman to be more feminine. Well, I think it works on almost every female out there? (:


 Tribal prints on wedges? *bang* You got it! Look at the cutting of this pair! Awesome and pretty! Love the colours as well!


Nope, this pair is NOT the same pair as the previous pair of wedges! The previous pair of wedges has Tribal prints for this pair, it's just lines. (: See the differences now? Anyway, I love the way they use colour block on this pair! (; And yep, I DID ORDER THIS PAIR. (;


Zig zag lines on wedges? Unique and colourful! Colour block again! I bet that I don't need to spell out the reason why I love shoes like this already. Or do I need to? Hahahah!

Okay, done for shoes now moving on to apparel etc. (;

Plain but it has prints on it! (; And prints like these seems to be rare in Singapore. Don't ask me why because I don't know. Would definitely buy designs like this IF the price is affordable and also if the material is not chiffon. LOL.


Love the prints! (; Would love it if it's not chiffon material because chiffon material is a little too thin to me. Hahaha, made me feel unsecured. Well, yeah.



Skirts! For some reason, nowadays I all into skirts. LOL. Well, I do have dresses but however when it comes to skirt, I don't really have them! These few designs are just too pretty! But however, it cost around 20 bucks!? );


So that makes the end of the blog post. That's all! See ya real soon. (;



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