Tuesday, November 29, 2011, 7:35 AM { 0 }
Yeah, we coloured them ourselves. BUT, sadly we gave them away cause some of the kids are crying like its the end of the world. And yes, us being nice. We gave it to them for free.

I swear that I dislike this. Here's the thing, it is freaking irritating when I have to use cash register, write stuffs down and take styrofoam for the customers. How busy can we get? ARGH, we need the volunteer to be there to help us to take stuffs! But, they can NEVER handle cash. (:

If you thought that we only have a box of styrofoam, then you're so wrong. It would be, like.... 4-5 boxes to clear. -.- How insane can SSC be? Tsk, speechless.



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