Tuesday, April 10, 2012, 12:26 PM { 0 }
Okay for this. It's gonna be super long. Because there are 26 of them. O.O I know right, I'm shocked too. But you will not regret for reading them! (: Trust me and continue to read about this. (:

1: Take him/her for a walk. A dog is made to heel beside or behind the human. NOT allowed to sniff or eliminate anywhere.

2. Humans MUST eat before dogs.

3. NO table scraps should be fed during a meal.

4. Scheduled time for feedings.

5. Humans MUST go through door etc before dogs.

6. Leave the house/room for 1 minute and come back, IGNORE dog for a few minutes.

7. Sit should be given before any pleasurable interaction like playing, petting, feeding, walk etc. Show your dog that he/she does NOT get anything for free.

8. Humans should NOT lay on the floor to watch TV or should never roll around the floor to play with the dog.

9. Humans MUST greet newcomers first.

10. If the dog is laying in your path, either move the dog or step over the dog.

11. While establishing a higher pack position, no hugs should be given to the dog by you.

12. Dog MUST avert its gaze first during eye contacts. PLUS, do not blink your eyes.

13. No dog are supposed to sleep on the bed unless invited. Provided that the dog sleeps at the foot of the bed.

14. NEVER allow the dog to mouth/bite at anyone at anytime including play.

15. Attention/petting should be decided by the Humans.

16. Playing must be STARTED and ENDED by the Humans.

17. Dog belongs to the floor. Humans decides for dog when to get up or get off.

18. NO tug wars.

19. Dogs NEED to learn drop it. Any objects that the dog is possession on should be taken away by ALL humans.

20. Dog own no possession. Everything belongs to humans.

21. Dog should not be allowed to pull on the leash.

22. Dog must eat at command. Whereby they need to wait for the humans to say okay then they are allowed to eat.

23. Dog that demands to be picked up or put down are only allowed to be picked up or put down when they are doing ACCEPTABLE quiet behaviour.

24. Dog should NEVER be left alone with anyone who cannot maintain leadership over the dog.

25. Make dog lie down or stay there for 20-30 minutes for a day.

26. Avoid emotions such as fear, sad etc as the dog might see you as a weak.

The following information are directly from:

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