Thursday, August 16, 2012, 8:48 PM { 0 }
God, it has been at least 10 days since I actually blogged about anything. LOL. Be it the stuffs that I bought or anything random.

Anyway, 31th of August will be my last day working at TTSH. Last day working with my awesome colleagues (some -  lol), my fellow MOs, my fellow Registrars and also my fellow instruments there. Okay, I laughed out loud when I actually typed fellow instruments. LOL.

Sad to say but I bet that I'll definitely miss every one of them! My apology that I'm leaving L, HS, P, R, Chong and S behind. But I really have to go as I'm so going to settle my uni stuffs and yeah maybe I'll be studying real soon! Also, I need to deal with bank loan stuffs. Yep, cause I'm not rich at all. Really regret for not working since I'm 15 years old. =.= Yeah that was 5 years ago when I'm actually 15 years old.

I'm once again stuck at where should I go. Well, this is because that I was all into Science but however I gave up about that hope. Because, I've got to spend at least 3-4 years and spent up to 38-42k just to get my Degree. As for Hospitality I'll be spending at least 1-2 years and 18-22k on it. Which is more worth it? Sigh...

I'm such a loser. ):



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