Thursday, June 14, 2012, 1:22 PM { 0 }
Around 5 days ago. I ordered more stuffs from Ebay! Don't blame me okay but the products on Ebay happened to be cheaper than retail/online prices in Singapore!

For some reasons, I'm all into collection stuffs now. And I don't know why. LOL.

So anyway, I'm so going to share with you guys the stuffs that I ordered from Ebay and also the prices that I paid for them! (: Let's go! By the way, there are 3 items that I'm going to share with you guys!

The 1st item! Polaroid film stickers!!

Sorry for the super duper small pictures LOL, that's the best that I can find. Anyway, these 5 sets of polaroid film stickers cost around $25!! Which means that 1 set cost around $5. PLUS PLUS PLUS, there are like 80 of them in total! So tell me now if it's worth it or not! And look, all of them are just sooooooooooooooooooooooo pretty! Heehee.


Okay, moving on. The 2nd item that I bought is Stamp Stickers! Heehee.

Once again, so so sorry for the super duper picture again. =.= Well, I took them down from Ebay anyway. So yep! Hahahahahaha, anyway there are like 80 of them in total and also there are 4 different stamps in a set! Awesome or what? (; Oh, and it's around 8$! Worth it or not! Heehee.


And the last item that I bought is Diary Decoration Stickers!

Once again, so sorry for the super duper tiny picture. =.= From Ebay, again. So yep! Anyway, there are like 10 sheets of them in 1 set! Oh oh oh, and it cost 13$ only! Isn't it pretty! I know right!


All of them are flying over from Korea! I'm all excited for them to reach my hands! Heehee! Will definitely take pictures of the items that I bought in real life! Heh, I love to share my happiness. HAHAHAHAHA!

So, later!



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