Wednesday, December 26, 2012, 4:56 PM { 0 }
Merry Christmas! I bet that everyone of you spent your Christmas with your loved ones right? (; Did you enjoy it? As for me, well I don't celebrate Christmas but yeah I've received presents from people! Hee! I know right, lucky me.

So.... few days ago I blog about Series 1 right? And so now I am back with Series 2! I know I know, I bet that I created boredom within you. But yeah!

Let's go!

I know right! Series 2 looked so much WOW as compared to Series 1. But I would definitely love to get both of the series cause they are just tooooooooooooo cute!!! <3 p="p">
Okay... let's zoom in.

Aren't they justttttt so pretty and unique? Heh. Up to date, I've got no idea where to purchase them in Singapore. ): How ):

SO.... I asked my USA/Australia/London friends to check it out for me. Hee, hope to hear news from them as soon as possible. ^^

The end! Hahaha.


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