Wednesday, April 25, 2012, 9:56 AM { 0 }
Mental therapy for myself! Heehee, but not I'm not going to spend any money on it. Anyway years ago, I've being on mailing list for countless of shops online. And yep, whenever they have a new collection. They'll mailed me to inform me. Yes, I went into their website to take a look. And found something that I love/like.

Sharing with you guys~

Scallops shorts! <3 

Zebras prints top <3

Roman shoes! <3 What's more, they're sandals! (: Double love <3 <3

I wondered if I'm able to find them over at Taiwan. =.= Oh and by then. I would have found a job! At TTSH, as clinic assistant or patient service associates. Whichever you prefers, it's part time cause they refused to let me stay as full time. =.= As I might be staying for 1 year instead of 2 years. Well, at least. I will have some income! (:



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