Thursday, August 18, 2011, 10:32 AM { 0 }

Yep, 15 weeks. 15 weeks in RP stands for 1 Semester has come to an end. It's kind of amazing that 15 weeks just flew by like its some passer-by.

When the fact is, I did go through it day by day. Well, almost day by day. Minus some days that I actually didn't go to school. LOL!

Year 3 life was seriously hectic and fast. Fast and furious like some race car, racing to reach the finish line.

In my Year 3 life, I changed class everyday but seeing the same old people AND seeing some people who joined my class for 1 or 2 days of lesson.

W66MNBG. It's not some code or what, it's my classes for the respectively module that I'm taking for this semester.

M, Structural Biology.
That was my Day 1 module. My Faci was Alex Pham. He's a young Faci I must say. Nice but sometimes a little weird, well not that little though. HAHAHA. But I'm glad that I've got awesome team members throughout my Structural Biology Module. I'm rather pleased that I've gotten B for both UT 1 and 2 for this module, even though I was aiming for B+ or A. But oh well, got to try harder. (:

I knew my "boss" aka Yong Kang and also my "mdm" Danial. Heehee, one of the best guy friends in my RP life. LOL!

PS: the picture in this post, the guy is my mdm. (:

N, Nutrition.
Day 2 Module, it's a freaking E-LEARNING module. Hurray but there's assignment and the way they graded us was weird. -.-But I'm glad that I've gotten A for both UT 1 and 2. (: WOOHOO! I guessed that it would be the only module that I would get A for both UTs. =/

Another awesome team is, the team members will be the same forever. LOL! Well, my team members was my last semester classmates: Aimee, Sharil, Syafiqah and Christine. As for the other team people, sad for them. LOL.

B, Proteomics.
Day 3 Module. Hurray that I've got an awesome faci until RP decided to be an asshole by transferring my faci away and gave me a lousy faci. -.- Proteomics is not that easy I must say BUT we've got a really nice Module Chair - Jeremy Wu. Minus the fact that he is a little naggy. LOL! Am not pleased of my UT 1 and 2 as I've got D+ and C+ respectively. I was actually expecting something better. Try harder! (:

G, Genomics.
Day 4 Module. Hate the fact that it's so confusing and it sort of force people to not to partial or skip class(es). this is because that as long as you did it, you will be lost for the next lesson. -.- I skipped once for it and I found out that I SHOULDN'T HAVE SKIP ANY LESSON OF THIS MODULE. Am angry with myself as my grades dropped. ): UT 1 I've gotten B+ and UT 2 I've gotten C+. Need to pull up my socks!

In summary, all of my Facis for this semester (expect that nice proteomics Faci). they were awesome facis and I love them very much. (:

I WILL study hard for my last lap. (: And make no regret before I'm off to IIP.



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