Saturday, April 19, 2014, 9:20 PM { 0 }
Some say that you need to voice out to option to everyone at all times to make sure that they know your stand etc etc.

Well, as for me. I prefer to keep quiet. And I found a quote that sum everything about what I feel:

Sometimes it just feels better not to talk. At all. About anything. To anyone. - Heisenberg

Thursday, August 22, 2013, 10:46 PM { 0 }
All right fellow. I don't know why but I am like a huge fan of My Little Pony. =.= Minus the fact that I regret buying those really plain ones from the States/Australia.

Then... I purchased those "chase" pony, I supposed? From China.

THEN, this year. Funko Pop released a whole new version of My Little Pony figures. And I swore that I went total insane - well almost. They are all freaking adorable! LIKE MAXIMUM ADORABLE!

So... here's the first wave of figures.

Uh huh, that's right. These 4 photos shown above are the first wave. AREN'T THEY ADORABLE!? Zomg, this made me feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel so ultimate regret that I purchased those plain/common ones. Sighhh! I know I know, I mentioned earlier on in this post. Anyway, here's the second wave:

Yep second wave. SOOOOOOOOO CUTE! That's derpy and DJ. Heee!!

And so the third wave, be hold for the cupcakes? LOL.
Pardon me for the "cartoon" version of it. Had a really hard time trying to find a proper picture of it. And so anyway, I MIGHT BE GETTING ALL OF THEM. I MEAN, LOOK AT THEM. Argh!!!!!

Is it over yet? Not yet! Fourth wave! I promise you, that's the last - for now.
NOOOOOOOOOOO, IT'S NOT YOUR EYES FOOLING YA. It's metallic MLP of wave 1. Aren't they just gorgeous!? Here's the thing, I might not get all of them but I think that I might purchase Rainbow Dash's. The one in blue and rainbow hairdo. Hee!!

PS: I love blue.

Anyway, that's all. Till then! Tada!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013, 11:13 PM { 0 }
What's up fellow!

It has been forever since I last blogged. Pretty busy due to studies and work. Well, for those of the people who have no idea what I am working as.

Here's an answer for you: I've opened my own online store on Instagram - @frozenflowerbl
You can look it up on Instagram and follow me! (;

One more year to go then I'll be getting my degree. ZOMG. Too fast but what to do. Anyway, got to go! Be back next time all right!
